What is The People's Review?
The People's Review is a systematic review, powered by the people. The public will have the opportunity to learn about systematic reviews by, doing a systematic review. The People's Review aims to help the public learn about systematic reviews, to understand why they matter, and how they can be used to help make health decisions.
The People's Review is led by a Team working behind-the-scenes, based in Evidence Synthesis Ireland at the University of Galway.​​
Find out more about The People's Review in the protocol here.
Create a space online where people can contribute.​
Give the public the opportunity to discover why systematic reviews are important. ​​
Show how people can be involved in the systematic review process in a meaningful way and provide an opportunity for shared learning about what works best. ​​
From The People's Trial to The People's Review
In 2020, The People's Trial launched online as an opportunity for the public to design and conduct their very own randomised trial - in an effort to support the public's understanding of randomised trials. Over 3000 people from across the world. The question chosen by the public for The People's Trial to tackle was: Does reading a book make a difference to sleep in comparison to not reading a book in bed?
​​More recently, The People's Trial approach has been adapted for kids in - The Kid's Trial where the scientists of tomorrow have decided they will try to answer the question: 'Does sleeping with a comfort item (for example, a soft toy or special blanket) make a difference to how well kids sleep compared to not sleeping with a comfort item?'​​
​The People's Review will use a similar approach providing the public with an opportunity to learn about systematic reviews by doing a systematic review. ​​
Learn more about The People's Trial and The Kid's Trial here: ​​
Click to download. ​​
Commitment to Open Science
The People's Review is committed to open science. Open science aims to democratise research and make it more accessible, usable, rigorous, reproducible, equitable and trustworthy for all. Open is about making research visible (transparency), making research accessible and usable (sharing), and involving and crediting more contributors to research (inclusivity).
A core pillar of open science is citizen science. The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) has designed a set of 10 principles that underline good practice in citizen science. As a citizen science project, The People's Review is aligned with these principles. More information on how The People's Review aligns to citizen science. ​​​
In keeping with the ethos of Open Science principles, we will regularly update OSF, in the interest of transparency and accessibility.
To date we have submitted a protocol paper 'The People's Review Protocol: planning an innovative study powered by the public' to a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. For now we have a preprint of this paper available on OSF.